Transfer – Coinbase to Lobstr

Getting Ready

Use these step-by-step instructions to get ready for the Solution.  If you are a beginner in Crypto, these steps are absolutely essential to get started.  If you have a wallet with your XLM already, click this link or the Proceed to Step 2 button below to register as an Affiliate.

Obtain a crypto wallet. 

A wallet is an app that is used to store, send and receive your coins. There are many to choose from.  If you don’t have one already, we suggest the Lobstr Wallet, funded from your Coinbase account.  It supports the Stellar Lumens (XLM) that is used in The Solution.  We will only use one coin for the Solution:

  • Lumens (XLM) for your purchases
  • Payment to affiliates is also in XLM

    Example of a Lobstr Desktop Wallet

    Purchase Your Lumens (XLM).

    You will need only $6.25 for the Solution.  We suggest having at least $10 worth of XLM to start because of the fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices.

    For beginners, the easiest way to purchase your XLM is to open a Coinbase account.  They will guide you through the process. You should use the Coinbase account ONLY TO MAKE YOUR PURCHASE. DO NOT USE THE COINBASE ACCOUNT FOR RECEIVING YOUR WEEKLY PAYMENTS!unless you have obtained the separate Coinbase WALLET.

    Once you have your Coinbase account and your Lumens (XLM), you are ready for the next step.

    Example of a Coinbase Account

    Transfer Your XLM to Your Lobstr Wallet.

    You could make your purchase directly from Coinbase, if you desire. However, you will need a separate wallet to receive payments from The Solution. The reason is that for most people who have accounts on Coinbase, the Public Key that they issue you is NOT YOUR KEY. It is Coinbase’s and it requires an entry in the MEMO field, which we do not support. Any payments to a Coinbase ACCOUNT will be lost forever.

    Even if you don’t use the Lobstr Wallet to purchase The Crypto Solution book, you will need a PUBLIC KEY separate from your Coinbase Account to receive your payments. 

    • Open your Coinbase account.
    • Find and Click on Stellar Lumens.
    • Select the Send button from the buttons on the top of  your screen.
    • Enter the amount of XLM you wish to send
    • Next, open your Lobstr Wallet and
    • Select Receive from the list.
    • On the next screen, click the COPY button to copy the PUBLIC KEY to your clipboard.
    • Return to your Coinbase account, put in the amount you wish to send.
    • Paste the address info you just copied into the TO field.  It will ask if you need the Memo field.  You Do Not.
    • Confirm the transaction and your Lumens are on the way.
    • Go back to your Lobstr Wallet and confirm that the transaction was received.

    Congratulations!  You are now ready to join the Solution!

    Your next step is to click the button below.

    If you have not made more than you’ve paid by the end of the first month, we will gladly refund your purchase price of the book.