Register as an Affiliate

Before you begin this step, be certain that you used the link that you were given by your sponsor. If you are not absolutely sure that you clicked their link to get to the site, exit the page now and use that link to get to the site.

To complete this step, simply fill out the form below. This will make you an affiliate of The Solution.  Once that process is done, you will need to log back in to the website, select ‘Shop’ from the main menu and make your purchase.  

Build Your Network – Invite the RIGHT TWO people to join you.

Once you have signed up, and made your purchase, proceed to the Affiliate Area and copy your affiliate URL from the bottom of that page.  Give YOUR URL to your two new people.  If you do not give them your link, you will not earn commissions on their purchase or the purchases made by their downline.

Curious about what affiliates CAN earn? Follow this link.


If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here:


All of the fields on the form are required. You must have YOUR valid wallet’s PUBLIC key in the XLM Public Key field to be paid.  If that field contains an invalid key, your earnings for the week and any subsequent payments to that key WILL BE LOST FOREVER.  We have no way of retrieving payments sent to wrong addresses.

!DO NOT USE YOUR COINBASE ACCOUNT for receiving XLM payments FROM THE SOLUTION unless you have a Coinbase WALLET! The WALLET is separate from your Coinbase ACCOUNT. If you use the Coinbase ACCOUNT, your funds will be lost forever!

If you need to change your information, you should login, go to the Affiliate page and select Profile. You can change your information, including your PUBLIC XLM KEY. You will not see the Registration Form once you have become an affiliate.