XLM Sponsor Fund

Requesting XLM Sponsor Funds For New Members

New members must purchase “The Crypto Solution” in order for you and your upline to earn commissions. We understand that making the purchase may not be feasible for some people.

Alternative Funding
If your prospect can’t fund their wallet with XLM, we offer a “Sponsor Fund” to enable their participation. Approval is NOT automatic. Each request will be evaluated by management.


  • Ensure the submitted information is accurate and that they have been added to your network. There is a maximum limit of 2 approved requests per sponsor so be very careful to ensure your prospect understands the program and the need to build the network with serious and committed people.
  • If your prospect does not use the Sponsor Funds to purchase the book, you will be required to repay the funds and the new member will be barred from receiving future commissions. Your funds may be interrupted until the Sponsor Funds are returned.

Submit this form for new enrollees who cannot purchase the book with XLM.

Request for XLM for New Members

6 + 2 =

If you have not made more than you’ve paid by the end of the first 25 Day cycle, we will gladly pay you the difference.