Sharing the Challenge

Success in the Challenge hinges on this very important RECOMMENDATION:  Invite just two others who are as committed to Financial Freedom as you are.

Programs that are built on bringing in new people want you to focus on recruiting others.  Penny Wise takes a very different approach.  We prefer that you focus only on inviting the RIGHT TWO.

People who are new to Crypto probably still have the ‘old school finance mentality’.  They still think in terms of DOLLARS and expect products associated with any program to cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars to get started.  Cryptocurrency shifts that way of thinking.  While there are coins and tokens that do sell for tens, hundreds and a few even into the thousands of dollars, the vast majority of coins and tokens sell for just pennies.  In a lot of cases, coins sell for a mere fraction of a penny.  At the time this was written, XLM was selling for just 13 cents.

As strange as it may seem, our number one objection is that “It seems too good to be true.”  Back in the day, that may have been the case.  But when we can now send money around the world for $0.0001 instead of the $0.30 plus 3 to 5 percent of the amount sent, that sentiment is falling by the wayside very quickly.

The Challenge Best Practices for Sharing:

    • Learn as much as you can about the Challenge
    • Invite only those who are serious about financial freedom
    • Concentrate on JUST TWO and share your affiliate link with them
    • Never Ever force or guilt anyone into joining.

If you have not made more than you’ve paid by the end of the first 25 Day cycle, we will gladly pay you the difference.