Revolutionize Your Finances
With Cryptocurrency
in Three Easy Steps

Step One

To get started, you will need to setup a cryptocurrency wallet. A wallet is nothing more than an app that you can have on your phone or PC that allows you to store your crypto assets. There are two that we recommend: Coinbase and Lobstr. Your choice should be driven by how you want to withdraw your money. If you have a bank account, Coinbase may be the option. If you don’t want to use a bank, then the Lobstr wallet will allow you to use MoneyGram to access your money. You can view a video here on setting up your Coinbase account.

Step Two

Register as an affiliate of The Solution. Most experts agree that affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and most lucrative ways to earn income online. The Solution’s multi-tiered affiliate program is designed to empower you, leveraging the incredible potential of cryptocurrency to create a sustainable and ever-growing stream of revenue. By joining our community, you’ll gain access to a proven system that seamlessly combines the world of books and digital assets, allowing you to earn commissions on every sale made within your expanding network.

Step Three

Withdraw Your Cash! Once earned, the crypto in your wallet is all yours. Getting it out in cash is the final step to financial freedom. You can have immediate access to your funds by converting your crypto to Fiat in a few easy steps through your Coinbase account or at a MoneyGram location near you using your Lobstr wallet. Keep in mind that receiving crypto and cashing out crypto may be taxable events. Please consult a financial or tax advisor to stay on the right side of the issue. There is nothing wrong with paying your fair share. 


“The Crypto Solution” is an introduction to all things Crypto.  It is offered as a cornerstone for plans to achieve true Financial Freedom.
You’ll learn about:

    • Coins vs Tokens
    • NFTs
    • Crypto Exchanges
    • CBDCs
    • Dollar Cost Averaging
    • Blockchains
    • Crypto Wallets
    • Private vs. Anonymous vs. Pseudonymous Transactions
    • and much, much more.

The infomation provided by The Crypto Solution is not legal or investment advice. It is offered for educational and entertainment purposes only.

Hands held out full of Bitcoin coins.


Your search for passive income ends here, when you become an affiliate with The Crypto Solution. You will earn commissions on our 25 level affiliate network. This is true passive income. There are no continuing requirements to sell or recruit. Just invite two others who are committed to earning passive income and you are done. When they purchase “The Crypto Solution”, you earn a commission. When those two find two who purchase the book, you earn commissions on those as well. This continues for 25 levels. So as your network grows, so does your passive income.

Graphic of two men looking at a symbol that represents social media sharing.


Real financial freedom requires work. The work in The Crypto Solution is the building of the Affiliate Network. Your mission: To find just two other people who are absolutely committed to achieving financial freedom and who can find two others who are just as committed. This will build a very solid foundation for YOUR success. And the best part is that you will have a positive impact on those two people whom you invite along on the journey. It really is that EASY.

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